Gift Guide: Balloon Animals

Not sure if it's just me, but I have a slight obsession with balloon animals. As I had mentioned, I am looking to reduce my waste when it comes to parties so I'm going to abstain from using real balloons. However, these cute balloon animal items are meant to be re-used, reworn, and displayed for years to come! If you're got a soft spot for balloon animals, check out my gift guide on all the best items to get! We've got jewelry, clothing, statues, piggy banks and more!

*This post contains affiliate links

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1. Rose Gold Necklace 2. Happy Girls Sweatshirt 3. Purple Unicorn Piggy Bank 4. White T-Shirt 5. Pink Dog Earrings 6. Blue Elephant Piggy Bank 6. Teal Dog Statue 7. Balloon Animal PJ’s 8. Let’s Get Twisting T-Shirt 9. Blush Dog Phone Holder 10. Pink Dog Pin

Am I alone in this obsession with balloon animals? I just love them! What do you think about balloon animals? Love em? Hate em? Let me know in the comments below!

Update: The Shop is Closed 

So, I have something to admit- I shut down my shop. I wish I could say it was with a heavy heart, but the truth is that I’m relieved it’s closed. Opening this shop cost me hundreds of dollars. I am not kidding you, and I truly wish I was. I’m embarrassed to think of all the cool things I could have bought with that money, or the trip I could have gone on. The truth is that there's no way of knowing what's going to be a success or a bust. Sometimes you need to dive into the pool to see if you can swim. As a very apt metaphor, I could not. (And, I can't actually swim either.... but thats a story for another day...)

Today I'm going to answer some "FAQ", if you will, about the shop and why it failed. I hope that you guys can feel a bit better about your failures when you read about mine!

Update: The Shop is Closed. Learn about my failures, and why I'm ok with losing hundreds of dollars. Spoiler: It's not because I made more some other way!

How much did you make from the shop?

About $100 and 3 sales. Yes, you read that right. I probably spent 7 times more than I made. That’s a pretty big failure, don’t you think? But hey, I’m ok with it. I’m giving myself a pass on this one. And if you’ve ever fallen flat on your face, I’m giving you permission to forgive yourself too. 

Why did the shop fail?

Well... I don’t know. I put a lot of thought into curating some amazing products that I loved. I bought about 45 items and whittled the shop down to my top 15 or so items. I was super picky about what I sold. I was super picky about the photos. And I was super picky about the names and descriptions. But in the end, it didn’t matter. Cute photos didn’t work. Begging didn’t work. Coupons didn’t work. So, l figured if no one wants to buy it, I might as well stop selling. 

Why did you spend so much? 

Well, the inventory cost money. I didn’t buy tons of anything (less than 15 of each item!) but it adds up. Then, having a Shopify account cost $30/month. I had my items on Amazon too and that was $40/month. And to list on Amazon I had to buy UPC codes which were like $25. In short? My overhead was way too high. My items were priced fairly, but they didn’t sell. At all. And none of this even includes labor- all the time I spent on finding the items, photographing and styling them, editing, listing, promoting, storing, buying packing supplies... a lot went into this shop! 

Update: The Shop is Closed. Learn about my failures, and why I'm ok with losing hundreds of dollars. Spoiler: It's not because I made more some other way!

What are you gonna do with all that inventory then?

I’m going to have a flash sale for it, probably on Instagram stories. With a baby on the way I need to get rid of all the clutter in my life! The supplies are currently taking up a closet in my home, and I’m going to need it for other things soon enough. Plus, what am I gonna do with 15 of the same earrings!?

Why are you telling us all this?

Because hey, maybe you failed too. We only see success stories on the internet from bloggers, the picture perfect moment in their day where things went right. Part of me wanted to shut down my shop in shameful silence. To not publicize the fact that literally no one cared what I had to offer. And another part of me was like, fudge it. I FAILED and maybe you did too. And that’s ok! Let’s commiserate together. Let’s laugh at how bad it was, and dream of successes ahead. Let’s cry over spilled milk and wasted money until we feel a little better about it. Let’s remember that it’s ok to fail, because that means we tried. And that’s wayyyyy better than those guys on the sidelines that were too afraid to jump in. 

At the end of the day, I have no regrets. I tried something, knowing full well it could fail. Which was pretty terrifying, because I hate failure. But guess what? I survived. My friends and family still love me. I’m not ready to give up on my dreams of owning another shop someday. I’m not going to tell others to abandon ship on their dreams because I failed mine. It’s all a learning curve. I just happen to be learning A LOT lately ;)

So, that's my story. Do you guys have a story about a massive failure? How did you feel about it? Did better things come after? Let me know in the comments below!

Make a Statement: The Shop is LIVE!

EDIT: The shop is now closed. Read more here.

YOU GUYS! Remember back in October when I relaunched the blog as Party HarDIY? Well, I told you there were some big plans in STORE (hah, see what I did there?) and I’m sooo excited to announce the launch of our shop! I’ve always wanted to have my own shop full of cutesy things, and I’ve always had a love of jewelry! Well, now the two have come together in one magical, glimmering place.

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So, what’s available?

A collection of unique and colorful jewelry, sure to add a pop of color to any outfit! The holidays are coming, and these pieces are perfect for adding some sparkle to your outfit, a fun touch of Christmas colors, or to change up an outfit that’s already been worn a bunch of times! Because let’s be real, these pieces are WAY cheaper than buying a new dress!

Um… Tell me more about this collection!

Well, ok! This all started back when I was in my favorite jewelry shop in the city. I thought, wouldn’t it be great to have a collection of fun and colorful necklaces that are affordable? There are SO many expensive jewelry shops out there, and my opinion on costume jewelry is the more, the merrier. So, I decided to curate my own collection of fun, bold, and most of all BRIGHT jewelry. There will also be some new items coming to the shop as well, but for now I decided to start small for the holiday season!

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Where did your love of jewelry come from?

My grandma! My yiayia had the most insane collection of costume jewelry. I don’t think I ever saw her wearing real jewelry, haha! She had a bunch of bold necklaces and earrings. Fun fact- her ears weren’t pierced! She only owned clip-ons. Here's a picture of us when I was a kid. She's dressed very on brand, and I'm the one in the tutu. I took ballet for a hot minute, but I was AWFUL at it.

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Um… am I brave enough to wear this stuff?

YES! I used to be shy about wearing bright things too. I finally realized that it’s fun to be bold and daring. People notice! I get compliments on my jewelry all the time, and in a sea of people, it’s fun to stand out a bit. You can always start small with a pair of colorful studs!

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Ok, you’ve convinced me! What do I even wear this stuff with?

My very favorite thing to wear bold jewelry with is a basic tee! It’s really adds a pop of fun and sass to an otherwise casual item. Try pairing the Daisy Dreams Statement Necklace or the Fringe Benefits Earrings with a basic tee. Another great way to wear these is with a Christmas sweater! Try the Rudolph the Red Nosed Rhinestone Tassel Earrings with your ugly Christmas sweater, or the Worth The Tassel Earrings with a warm, cozy sweater! Heading to a holiday party? Try the Chic-a-Boo Rhinestone Earrings for some added glitz and glam, or the Dragonfruit Dilemma Earrings for a fun, unexpected touch.

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Can I get free items?

Um, heck yea!! I’m hosting a giveaway! To enter, follow the instructions on this post on Instagram. Tag a friend for an extra entry! One winner will get all 4 jewelry ornaments- perfect for giving out as Secret Santa gifts, hanging on the tree, or keeping them all for yourself!

DIY Jewelry Ornament 12.jpg

Eek! I hope you guys are as excited about this as I am! I've been working on this for MONTHS, and I'm so happy to see the store is finally live! So, go sign up for free shipping, and enter the giveaway!